A made a Potholder for me!

My daughter took our family campaign to a new level, she explained it better than I could and she also put one of my favorite photos of my granddaughter  with dirt on her face, and then  added some cute fonts and …there you have it…our family campaign has begun for February. Here is is below…

So today is Day 2 of Love You First 28, what I did for myself today was make this…

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Now I really enjoy making gifts! But today, I made something for myself and I really love how it turned out… and I can’t wait to use it!

Here is the campaign…join us if you like! Share the Love with yourself!

Night dear friends!

My family and I have started an awesome February campaign Love YOU First. Through out February find ways to fall in love with yourself. Hard to fully love others when you don’t love you! #loveyoufirstis 28 days of finding one thing each day about yourself that you love or you’ve done to show yourself some love! #loveyoufirst #loveyoufirst28#loveyourself #february #beyourownvalentine #love#showyouloveyou #makeitbig


Win Win Wednesday!

I have loved learning how to quilt. I started first when I was little and I would go to church with my Grandmother and the other ladies as they sat around a table at a Quilting Bee. They would work for hours and sit there and just talk about their lives. I have never known them to expect anything for these amazing quilts. They just did them because some one was in need or because a new baby was born. Still I realized at a young age that every Quilt has a Story!
This quilt below had a very special story. It was made for a dear friend who had a great loss in her life. We as a group of ladies at church wanted to do something for her to let her know of our love and support. I even prayed hard when I was doing the free motion quilting on this quilt ( because I am not very good at it ), I prayed that I would be able to do a great job on it. And I have to admit, it was one of the best free motion quilting I have ever done up to that point or ever since:) I probably should have prayed that I could keep the talent forever 🙂

I loved this article that I found about the history of Quilts. I found it HERE:

Quilt Me a Story by Susan Meeske

“Quilting is a craft that has roots deeply sown into the heart of America. Surviving quilts that date back to the early and mid-1800s are reminders that quilts are an important part of our heritage. Quilts originally were of a utilitarian nature. They protected people from the cold. They were used as door and window coverings. New babies were wrapped in quilts when they were born and many young babies were wrapped in a special quilt when they died. Quilts provided warmth and comfort to the sick and disabled. They could be folded and used as cushions in a wagon or slung over a clothesline and used as a play tent for children. Quilt making was a skill that men or women could enjoy singularly or collectively. It was a means to escape from the isolation of their lifestyle and it allowed them the artistic freedom to express themselves. The quilts produced by our ancestors told stories about their lifestyles that could not be captured by pen and paper. Every quilt we see today, regardless of when the quilt was made, relates a story. The types of fabrics, the design of the quilt, the signature of the quilter, all reveal a intimate story of the woman or man who made the quilt. This discussion is about the use of quilting as a medium for storytelling by our ancestors and how contemporary story quilts can be integrated into a Whole Language curriculum in the classroom. First, there is an explanation of quilting as a means of expression and storytelling by women in American history, plus illustrations of how different cultures have influenced American quilting. Second, there are two examples of Q story-web quilting. The story-web quilting process blends storytelling through quilting with the writing skills taught using Whole Language exercises in a classroom”

So yes, every quilt (and I think even every Gift) that you make for someone… has a special story. Then it means something to you and to them. That truly is a win win!

Good Night dear friends!
And remember to do something you love every day and then share it with a friend!


My Favorite Things Friday

Ok, I apologize that this is a day late, I can tell you what is not one of my favorite things is right now…my computer! It is giving me all kinds of trouble and I hate admit this but I am probably going to have to start looking for another one soon! 😦
Anyway…on to my Favorite Things Friday! 🙂

In my Sewing Room, I have a vinyl quote upon my wall! It says ” A few of my favorite things”, I love that quote, because it truly reminds me of the things that are totally my favorites, such as… Brown Paper Packages wrapped up in string!  ( I am sure you all know that song! )

Yes, I love making gifts but I have to admit, one of my all time favorite things is… to wrap them up!  I love the whole presentation of the gift! Yes, it is a process but no matter the size of the gift… I absolutely love it!

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So no matter how big or small your next homemade gift from you is, take a moment to think  of a cute way to package it! Displaying IMG_5129.JPG

Remember it is all about the presentation and making it PERSONAL!

When someone gets a package …and it is packaged with such great love and care, they should know it is from you…without even looking at the tag!

So keep making your favorite things and take extra effort to make it Perfect  with your sweet wrapping and presentation!

And when we start doing Give Aways soon…this is what the winner’s package will look like from LynnMade!

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